Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Count Down to Tiff's Wedding

We are counting down to Tiff's wedding now and I need to find a new pair of shoes to match my new dress.
It is turning into the wedding of funky shoes! The bridge is wearing "orange" shoes with her beautiful white dress. I do hope people will concentrgte on how beautiful she looks.......not her shoes.
The bride's mother has sparkley, very beautiful shoes, kinda like the red shoes in the wizard of oz. You can't miss them. The bride's father bought himself a new pair of black cowboy boots! So that sparked the competition that every family member has built in themselves, into seeing how outrageous a pair of shoes they can come up with.........that is appropriate. I don't think they make outrageous "grandma shoes". But, I'm on the hunt and will try to fit in and not look to grandmaish............
I have always loved shoes and so do the girls. I think my love and hoarding comes from growing up with one new pair of shoes every six months, as a war was going on and you got a coupon book to buy the family shoes. I remember saddle shoes or loofers and you wore them for everything. Once the war was over and I grew up and got a job, I wanted to buy every fun pair of shoes I saw........and I still do.
Well, maybe I could find a "wowing" pair on Ebay? I already check out KMart an luck. So on to Dillards and Nordstroms! I don't give up easily. I'll keep you posted.

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