Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"Old" Friends

Nothing like good old friends.......and some are old! Yesterday at our knitting club, "Witty Knitters", we are a prayer shawl ministry we have some old and dedicating ladies, we had a birthday party at my house for Lorraine who turned 90. She said she thinks of herself as about 75, not really old. She lives alone, swims every day and had driven herself to my house. She climbed my stairs better than I do and has had both knees replaced. She was very grateful for the cards, shawl and birthday cake we surprised her with and had parties planned for the whole week. I said, "Betty you can do that too!" Why not?
You have to live so fast now days to keep up with all the modern things that I hope I don't wear out until I am 90......12 more years. I know I have made it to 2010 by the following: I accidentally enter my password on the microwave. I haven't played Solitaire with real cards in years and I can play hearts with a machine. I have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach my family of three girls. I email my family and friends instead of dropping them a letter or a note, and my reason for not staying in touch with friends or family is they don't have emails! Leaving the house without my cell phone, which I didn't have the first 60 years of my life, is now a cause for panic, all the "what if's" come rushing in and I go back and get it. (Half the time I forget to turn it on).....which upset the family. I keep track of many nieces and nephews by reading my face book and now keep my journal on my "Blog". I even know how to work the digital camera my kids gave me. If I go on learning until I'm 90, wow, what a smart grandmother I will be! So move over Lorraine and know you are my inspiration! Maybe the grandkids won't realize what a lousy cookie maker I am.

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