Monday, August 23, 2010

Eat - Pray - Love

I loved Liz Gilbert's "Eat, Love ,Pray" story. How I envy someone who is brave enough to just take their life into their own hands and do what they feel best for them. Julia took one year to search out her own self. She began to explore her joyful self by eating favorite foods in Italy. Then she went to India, she tried the soul searching and meditation and learning to be quiet inside. Then on to Indonesia to eventually fall in love. I so admire people like her. I wonder if I could try a chunked down form of this at home? Eating? Well at the present I am on a diet because of my granddaughter's wedding and I have to look good in the dress I bought that is pretty tight! I can write down my dreams, sometimes when you put them in words they can come true. Go back and read them often. Second would be: you need to have quiet times. Living almost alone I have a lot of peace and quiet in my life. Third: Find out what makes you really happy. Connecting with friends, volunteering, learning something new, like to knit, speak Spanish or play the piano. Fourth: Pamper your self. I don't do spas well, but I love having my nails and hair done. I thought about it but I can't see myself mixing oatmeal and honey and covering my face or mixing olive and sugar to make a thick paste and covering my body in it before a shower for an exfoliating body scrub. So I will just turn on my little water fountain and light an aromatherapy candle and have a glass of wine. I think that will do it! As for Love, my family and friends provide me with a lot of love............all I can handle at my age!
I also loved the movie because I have made a journey through the very same places she made. Yes, I have eaten the fabulous foods in Italy and marveled at the culture and sights. Yes, I have been to Bombay and seen the poverty and had the children run along side your taxi wanting a handout. I saw and felt their religiousness. I never meditated there. And yes I loved Bali, Lombac and Jarkarta. Their I loved their little spirit houses at homes or the way they left special things on the steps for the spirits. The weddings and funerals were very unusual. And gosh, I wasn't there long enough to fall in love......I spent all my time shopping.

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