Thursday, August 26, 2010

Saving Money

"Life is like a coin, you can spend it anyway you want, but you can only spend it once."
I was raised with enough....I had a good home, plenty to eat, but not a lot of extras. I learned to be careful with my money and after being married to "Scrooge" for 30 years, I know well thrifty. My grandchildren do not know these things. My three daughters know one-half of it. There is a new guide line I am striving for to make my dollars stretch further in these hard times. I have learned there are four categories:
1. Top Dollar Items..."I really need it, and I really love it."
2. Bottom Dollar Items.... "I really need it, but I don't really love it." ( These would be sale items that entice you because they are on sale.)
3. Remaining money Items: "I don't really need it, but I really love it." (This is where retail therapy is involved. You think it would make you feel better to have one more pair of shoes.)
4. Not One Cent On: "I don't need it, and I don't really, really love it"... (Ends up as clutter or in the next garage sale. Impulse buying.)
I could never become a monk who "has no stuff", but there does come a time in your life when you realize your house is full of "stuff" you don't need, use or want any more. I wish my time would arrive soon, because I really do have lots of "Stuff"! Just think what a great garage sale my kids can have when I die!

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