Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wish I was going.......

Tomorrow my daughter and grandson are off to Kenya on a work trip.
I would to be going with them, but I have been to Africa and I remember that long airplane ride and at my age I just don't think I'm up to it any more. The saddest part is, I longed to go on a safari which they are getting in while there. I went down the east side of Africa and loved the adventure. Ghana, Namibia, Cape Town and Johannesburg. She is going with the Koins for Kenya group and they will be working. Brayden will be building desks for a new school that will be dedicated. It will finish off his Eagle Scout requirements. What a lucky little boy, (almost 15).
They can take two suit cases each, one with their clothes and one with things for the villagers. The big request was for receiving blankets for the new mothers. If they come to the medical unit they get a blanket. If they have the baby in their village they wrap the baby in a banana leaf! With the help of nice people she is taking 26 new blankets. She said her suitcases are bulging with contributions. She is excited, as I am for her. Dad will play Mr Mom to the other two boys and the farm. Aren't Kids wonderful?

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