Monday, July 12, 2010

Diet Time......again!

Well, for the umptine time I have started another diet! Why? Really been thinking about it for several reasons, bad knees, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and I look awful in my clothes. Well, my oldest granddaughter is getting married in less than three months. I finally got brave enough to try on a pretty dress that might be appropriate for this special occasion........well, one look at my stomach and hips convinced me if I didn't want to look like "grandmother blob" I had to do something and NOW. One of my daughters was with me and recommended we stop by the book store and buy a book that had helped her and her friends. It is "The Fat Flush Plan." It makes sense that if you don't over work your liver and let it clean out your system then you will just lose inches and weight. It seems I am to be eating or drinking something constantly which is not my routine. I have to keep my blood sugar up..........well, anyway I am into day three and haven't noticed I've lost an inch. But each morning I just get up and pray, just let me do this one more day, and I will keep doing that until that new dress I bought looks yummy on me. There is nothing like a wedding, a class reunion or family reunion to put you in the diet mode. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Tiffany (Pannier) Hortin said...

You will not be a Grandmother Bob!! I think you will look GORGEOUS in that dress diet or no diet!!!