Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July

Wow, another Holiday to enjoy. It brings back so many happy memories of growing up in a little town in Colorado where people went all out to celebrate the freedom of our country. My best friend and I got to be majorettes in the parade and thought we were "hot stuff". We spent hours getting ready, (our first try at shaving our legs was a disaster----blood and bandages everywhere). Good food, rodeo, fireworks and then the big dance topped it off. Now many years later I still have those wonderful memories, but things are more quiet. The Panniers are in Park City for the weekend, The Christensons at their cabin in Park City. Tiff off to Portland to a wedding of an old college friend. The Cooks and I are left holding down the fort and they have invited me to a Bar-b-Q this afternoon. Of course, Utah still has another big holiday the 24th of July coming up.My hope for the grandchildren is that they will learn and know the real reason we celebrate the 4th, and how many wonderful people died so we could enjoy our freedom. Need to go out and put up my flag!

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