Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Good Therapy

One of my favorite things to do is meet a good friend for coffee or lunch. Just the two of us. When there is a group no one really gets to talk, usually one person dominates the conversation. But with two people and if it is a trusted friend who has known you for a very long time you can really pour out your heart. Patty is that kind of friend and we try to have our little get togethers at least once a month. After an hour------or two--- we both leave feeling lots better about our lives and the people we have interacted with the past month or so. I know and come to realize and practice what psychologist Harriet Learner says: "When someone says or does something unkind to me, I think: "They must be a very unhappy person." Not an excuse---but a calm observation. I try not to take anything personally. Unhappiness or insecurity can make nice people act like jerks, it is all about them----not me. I now can be less reactive, pass on less intensity than you receive and be curious why people act like they do. I feel sorry for their unhappiness. It is best to just smile and go on. Thank you Patty for the many hours you have been there for me...........

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