Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Save your pennies because...................

When I saw this picture......which I love, it became a metaphore to me that yes it took a lot of pennies to build a bridge this size all over the world. With our tax pennies we build many beautiful bridges in our country. Now I realize also when we save our pennies they are the key to our building our own bridges to a home, a car, an education or a wonderful vacation! When we think about it we realize we become rich, one penny at a time, some rich people even get the label of being "A Penny Pincher". They are the lucky ones that see the big picture. From childhood days we have had a fascination with money, especially coins. When my children were small and had a choice, they always chose the five pennies over the nickle, because it looked like more. Then as they got older they learned there were five pennies in a nickle and ten pennies in the dime, even though it was smaller. I pick up every penny I see partly from a superstition learned young. "See a penny and pick it up, all through the day you'll have good luck. See a penny and let it lay, bad luck will be yours through out the day." Who has room for bad luck in their day? Also, before my sister died, she said she would leave me pennies to remind me of her, I find pennies in the strangest places and at the strangest times.......You judge why, I know.

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