Tuesday, July 20, 2010


S.O.S. to all you ladies out there. They are now giving classes on gratification management. Now that has been around for many years, but in my family we call it "Retail Therapy." Yes, I do feel better when I buy something pretty to wear or something fun for the house, whether I need it or not. If I am having one of those "World Against Betty" days, a trip to one of my favorite stores to pick up some little something really makes my day better. I am not a big spender, you know if it's over $19.99 you don't buy it, well maybe sometimes? I just love to shop and I have worked hard at teaching my three daughters and three grand-daughters to love shopping. After all that's a female thing.......especially when it comes to SHOES.
Yes, in these hard times, with money and jobs short we need to learn to be more thrifty. And there is such a thing as delaying gratification and feel good about it. The good part comes when you go into the store the next week and that favorite shirt is half price ..........then you buy it, or not! This can boost your self esteem when you save money on something, anything. Lets you know you are still in control of your finances and life. There are many ways to get that good feeling with using coupons, using stores loyalty cards or even going to garage sales. I just thought I better warn all of what this "Gratification Management" out there is, don't let anyone take your retail therapy away......it's what keeps us sane sometimes. Just stop at the 7-11 for a slush, that even helps!

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