Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Each New Day

"God puts each fresh morning , each new chance of life, into our hands as a gift to see what we will do with it."
This is where I use my Wabi-Sabi..........
Did you ever get up in the morning and say...."Today only comes once a I'm really going to enjoy it!" No, it doesn't have to be your birthday or Christmas. Today is the first day of September and it won't come again until 2011. So I decided to really enjoy it. I made out the invitations for Tiffany's Wedding Shower, the 18th at Karries. I mailed them, washed my car, went to Costco and hunted a place to fix a chip in my car's luck so will look again tomorrow. Darren stopped by and we had a nice visit and Karrie came over with the invitations so I could get them out. It was a beautiful Fall day and I enjoyed being out in it.
I never really thought about it, each day we live only comes once a year. If we are lucky enough to wake up each morning and have 24 hours to live and breath and eat and live in a wonderful free country. I feel soon we will be living in a Socialist country if Obama has his way.
This is a good time to use my Wabi-Sabi. You can always find something good, even on your worst day.......hey, your alive! My dear friend, Shirlee called and said in the adds today is a coupon for buy one get another free of the same value at, if that isn't good news I don't know what is. We go to movies regularly and out to eat afterwards, now we can get 2 for 1 twice!!!! We both have a coupon.......Good friends are the greatest! I am taking pictures of my jewelry and writing up where they came from and who gave them to me and about how much they might be worth. Then I print them off and put them in a folder for the children to refer to when I DIE. I am going to do that with all my belongings, also noting if someone has already ask for it. I hope it helps and they don't fight and end up hating each other like most families do over a lot of stuff they DON'T REALLY care about! If they do, it will only set an example for their children when they die. Labor Day weekend in a few days....Have a good day, I did.

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