Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bridge, bridge, bridge......

I love all the girls in my two bridge clubs and look forward to seeing everyone once a month. But I hate it when it is at my house as it means clean, clean, clean. How embarrassing for someone to see a cobweb, or a corner that doesn't get dusted regularly. So you spend a week with a to do list a mile long of long forgotten corners to clean up. It is a good feeling when it is all done and you have a nice clean house for awhile. I use to be able to whip through the house, set a great table and plan a fun treat or luncheon without batting an eye, but now days it is a big project. Got to find all the nice dishes and silver, bring up the tables and chairs and get the shopping done. I'm so tired by the time bridge arrives I can hardly enjoy it. Last night I had the night bridge club at my house.......and survived. Today it was one of the other girls turn for day bridge which makes you know how hard she had worked getting ready for a fun lunch. There are three of us in both groups, Jane Laver, Pat Noall and I. The night girls are Marge Plant, Bev Taft, Bonnie Lyngle, Barbara Lusty and Micky Lymm when she is in town other wise Peggy Dean fills in. The daytime club has Bettie Barlow, or sister-in-law Joan, Florence Bertnole, Mae Taylor, and Gloria Morrison. I have a confession, I don't think playing bridge is a high priority with either group, just a good excuse to get together!

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