Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Be a Bridge Builder

'We are all on the journey into the sunset of our life." (R. Regan)
Concentrate on building bridges, not burning them. Some of us are further down this road of life than others, but we are all on the same path, every person in every country of the world and no one can escape this road as there is no other one to take. Therefore, we should all try to help each other along the way, in kindness, love, peace and cooperation. It can be a lonely road if we don't try to work in peace. No, the road isn't always smooth. The road may be bumpy sometimes. There are hills and valleys, storms and darkness to go through, but the end for all of us is the same...."DEATH." Let us all be road builders and bridge builders.......We must be bridge builders in life, this will make the road better for ourselves and all others regardless of color, nationality, religion, or political party. It is just as easy to get along as to not get along.....find the center of the road. When I am asked "What do you do?" I like to say "Oh, I'm a bridge builder!" As we go down the same path into the sunset of our lives, reach out and help someone. Face it, each day that the big yellow ball sinks over the horizon, we are all a day closer to our destiny. we have choices. Let's make the choice to stay on the path and continue building those bridges till the clock stops for us.

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