Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day......summer ending.

Seems yesterday the family was getting together to celebrate Mother's Day and we had the whole summer ahead of us. You can see from the mountains in the back ground we still had the winter's snow........Now summer has come and gone and it is almost time to start snowing up there again. This is part of our family at the Willow Creek Country Club on Mother's Day.........bottom is Scottie, Annie, Richie, Kar, Richard, Betty, Pam, Rob, Will, Tiff, and Scott. We love being together and miss the Christensons who have another life in Vernal. The summer went way to fast and Labor Day.......which is today......signifies the end of summer. It was very cool this morning, definitely the feel of Fall in the air. Pam and Rob will be home from West Yellowstone tonight and pick up Charles.....Sher called and they were on their way home to Vernal from the cabin, Tiff spent the weekend with Scott, so has been pretty quiet at my house. I went to the Cooks for dinner yesterday and took in a movie today. The have Tiff's wedding in a little more than a month and then guess what??? It will be Christmas..............groannnnn!

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