Monday, September 13, 2010

Older than I have ever been!

I swear I woke up this morning realizing I am older than have ever been! I went right out and hugged a tree.....what else can you do? This poor 'ole tree in the back yard listens to my frustrations and suffers my's better if you are barefooted as you can just feel the strength of the earth radiating up from the center to the earth that holds that tree straight and tall.....Everyone needs a hugging tree they can trust! Some days I get so busy I don't know if I found a rope or lost my horse!
This weekend I tended Scott and Richie and we had a great time. We went to breakfast at IHOP.....I only stayed one night, but Marley and I fought over the bed to see who was alfa dog. I swear he is the biggest, stubbornest dog I have ever tended.... I did not want him on the bed, but Scottie promised to keep him on his side, well......the next thing I knew he wanted to snuggle me. I did not want to be snuggled, I grabbed his collar which came off and so I grabbed his two front legs and started pulling, of course, this was about two in the morning, and Marley dug in.....Finally I got his off the bed, put him out in the hall and tied the door shut.
Tending kids is a snap, it's the animals they own that are giving Grammy the head ache!
In less than a month Tiffany will be married and moved out, I think this is harder on me than when the twins got married and moved out and and made me an "empty Nester!" I love this number one granddaughter more than anyone can know. She never leaves in the morning without telling me she loves me and has taken very good care of me for the five and a half years we have been roommates! I will miss you Tiff......

1 comment:

Tiffany (Pannier) Hortin said...

Don't worry Gram--I am going to miss our late night talks, morning breakfasts together and computer lessons! I'll still be around so don't worry--I'm not completely leaving you!!