Thursday, September 23, 2010

I'm A Sucker For Flowers.........

Well, I did it again........let someone set up a blind date for me. But surprise, he was really a nice guy, especially when he showed up with yellow carnations just for a coffee date. Like my grandmother always told me, you never get a second chance to make a first impression and I believe that! My granddaughter's sorority sister that came to a couple of Christmas parties at my house had met this man at a puppy training class. He asked if she knew any nice ladies, not to young, not to old and she thought of me. She asked Tiff about it and in a weak moment I said "why not?" Gerald called later that night and I thought what the heck, nothing to drastic can go wrong if we meet for coffee. We had a very enjoyable two hour chat, him finding out I hate to cook and me finding out he was learning to cook AND can foods and was really enjoying it. Both born in Colorado, liked dogs and each had three children. It certainly turned out better than my last date before him when I swore off men. That date took me across the street to Taco Bell, ordered three tacos for a dollar and two lemon aids and had to write a check for $3.32 cents AND he ate two of the three tacos and didn't even offer me a bite. That was one of the times my Grandmother was talking about.......You never get a second chance to make a first impression, because for that guy there was no second chance. My thoughts were, "Suck it up Cupcake......I'll can buy my own tacos."

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