Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Book.......

I decided long ago that the greatest accomplishment in my life would be to write a book. My cousin and I discussed this often and she wrote a cook book, then my sister wrote a novel and got it published and then one of my daughters wrote a fun novel last year! "The Power of a Penny"... Soooo, I felt I could bring forth the book I wrote and did the art for, with the help of ideas from a good friend and we came up with "OUR "
book......And if the title sells the book we have a hit! "Where To Buy The Best Margaritas in Mexico, By Two Little Old Ladies From Utah!" The two of us have traveled extensively in Mexico over the past many years. Acapulco, Cabo San Lucas, Cancun, Ensenada, Guadalajara, Isla Mujeres, Ixtapa, La Paz, Mazatlan, Mexico City, Taxco, Cuernava, Oaxaca, Huatulco, Puerto Vallarta, Copper Canyon and Puerto Panasco, Puerto Vaiarta and Cozumel. To some of our favorite places many times. I became a valent student of Spanish and can enjoy a limited conversation in Spanish. I love to write and I also enjoy cartooning and hope to start doing more of both. Another book? Well, I do have a children's book in the fire and even if it never gets published, I can leave my message to my grandchildren. I have learned sometimes we need to stretch a little to accomplish our dreams, you just have to find your yellow brick road and follow it to your dreams!
Another week is winding down and one month from today my sweet Tiffany will be getting married, I will so miss her! I will be tending Karrie's two boys this weekend, they are off to Las Vegas. Lucky them.

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