Friday, September 3, 2010

Labor Day Weekend is here.......

Don't we all love the weekends and especially when they are three days long. Now think about this.........In just two days from now, tomorrow will be yesterday and the last fun weekend of summer will be history.
The Christensons are going to their cabin, the Panniers went to West Yellow Stone to fish.......I'm tending Charles. The Cooks can't leave because of football games. Saw Richie play yesterday and he did great. Tomorrow I will watch Scottie do his stuff, as he tries to please his coach.......(his father!) They are both good little athletes and Grammy is very proud of them. Had an ultra sound today, got a rock chip in my window fixed, transplanted a lot of flowers from Karrie's back yard and picked up the dog to tend for the weekend. Tiff is spending the weekend at Scott's to help work on the kitchen remodel. My days of having a room-mate get shorter and shorter. Beautiful day, will hit a few garage sales in the morning before the ball game and maybe do a movie this weekend. I have had my share of taking off on three day weekends, but home and the pool aren't bad either. Hope everyone has a nice weekend.

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