Monday, September 20, 2010

Times Flying

Well, it seems like yesterday that I got the notice ..... "To Save The Date"! This morning my sweet roommate informed me 19 more days till the wedding. Where has the time gone? Yes, I have been here as the days rolled by, finding the right dress and shoes, picking out the brides maids clothes, getting them fitted. The place for the affair, the food, the decorations, flowers, cake, agreeing on the invitations was....... big, then came the guest list....big! Once the invitations were mailed, the hair due decided and I even got to go to my nieces to witness the taking of the pictures in the wedding gown. She was so beautiful and is so happy and ready to become Mrs Scott Hortin. This was when I realized, yes, this is real. So now I needed to decide what I was going to wear, you know nice grandma stuff. Well, Karrie helped me find a dress, then the next thing shoes. They really don't make to many dresses "grandma" shoes, but I did find a pair that will be nice. Saturday her aunts Karrie and Sherrie and I had a shower for her in Karrie's backyard which was so pretty on the golf course. Yesterday her Pannier relatives had a bar-b-q dinner shower for couples and tonight her parent's friends are having a shower. Scott's family had a shower a couple of weeks ago. Things have so changed since I got married 54 years ago, even my last daughter just celebrated her 19th wedding anniversary and I don't remember all this 19 years ago. I dare to think what the next dozen years will bring. Anyway it has been so much fun with her living with me I have been on the front row to watch it all.....19 days will pass in a blink of the eye. Congratulations Tiff and I'm excited for you.

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