Monday, September 27, 2010


"A slave is one who waits for someone else to come and free him..."
Can you imagine your life without change? Without change, you would have nothing to hope for, plan for, or look forward to. You would never grow or learn anything new. Change is the creative energy of our lives....the source of all learning and growing. It would be nice to have the change fairy just tap you and all would be well, but it isn't always that easy. When we put ourselves into new situations or our environment changers around us, we have to respond in new ways. We have to change, and when we change, we learn something new about our capabilities and limitations. Change challenges our view of the inspires and surprises us. Because change is an inevitable part of life, the real question is: how much direction will you give your changes? Will you be a passenger of your changes or will you take the drivers seat and direct them? We have the power to be a director of change in our life.
There are many kinds of risks in life........emotional, intellectual and physical. The important ones are those that help you grow and express your values.
"Man is troubled not by events themselves, but by the views he takes of them."

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