Friday, October 1, 2010


Today is the first day of October............My life is flying by!
Two years ago Leslie and I were on a road trip in the North West to take in their fabulous fall foliage. We loved Vermont , New Hampshire, Maine......well all of it. Our hills are turning now even though we are still having weather in the high eighties. This weekend is LDS Conference and we very seldom have conference and nice weather at the same time, we're lucking out. Korina and Bill are driving up from Arizona to spend the weekend with me. Tonight we are all going to dinner with Mike, Andrea, Dukane and Kortney. Seems Mike always has a crowd when we meet. Also, Linda and Jim Cox, want me to come down for lunch tomorrow, but I didn't promise. Yesterday went and watched Richie play football at Hillside Hi, they won...... One week from tomorrow Tiffany is getting married. She has spent the whole week at Scott's to tend his dog, as he and his family have been deer hunting all week. Yesterday Bud Pannier was operated on for liver cancer, everyone worried. About half through with my Christmas shopping, that will be here too soon. Next week will be busy, busy,
this is good, then I won't have time to think about how lonesome I'll be without my sweet roommate.

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