Monday, October 4, 2010


Having a good or positive attitude can get you a long ways. If the menu is in Spanish you can always say I didn't know what I was ordering and go for the double cheese burger and fries with a clear conscious. If you are a very positive person in life you will love this story..............A woman woke up one morning and found she only had 3 hairs on her head. "Well, I think I will braid my hair today", she did and had a wonderful day.
Next morning she woke up to find she had only 2 hairs on her head, "Well, I guess I'll part my hair in the middle today".....she did and had a wonderful day.
Next morning she woke up and she only had one hair on her head, "well, I guess today I will wear my hair in a ponytail" and she did and had a wonderful day.
Next morning she woke up and looked in the mirror only to find she didn't have a single hair on her head. "Yea, she exclaimed" I don't have to fix my hair today!" ATTITUDE in life is everything. When you begin to realize that attitude is a powerful tool, it can change your life for the better forever. Stay away from the Negative Nellies and hang out with the Positive Patties.
Had a nice week end with Korina and Bill who came up from Arizona for the LDS conference and stayed with me. Went out to dinner Friday night with them, Mike, Andrea, Dukane, Chelsey, Jamie and Kortney....regular family reunion. Dinner last night at the Panniers so a busy weekend.

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