Saturday, October 23, 2010

Half Full or Half Empty?

What's your attitude?
Two buckets at the well: The first one says "I come up full and go down empty."
The second bucket says, "I go down empty and come up full!"
Are you a Positive Patty or a Negative Nelly? Our lives are one big choice. A choice is not something we have and can just lose, choice is something we are....waiting to be put into use. "At every moment in every situation we are free to choose a simpler expression of our being." At one time I was looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but then I realized it comes from was there all the time. I've learned to accept a compliment with a simple, "Thank you". I find if I choose to say some thing nice or think something nice about myself, my self confidence is boosted. In stead of always saying, "I can't cook" I say "I don't like to cook, but I can entertain very nicely." I can do many things well and as I go forward I need to acknowledge this and feel good about myself.
So today I choose to be a Positive Patty. We are having what seems to be our first taste of winter, cold and rainy. This is good, we need the moisture. Sherrie just called to see how Cody is and they are in Atlanta on their way home from the Caribbean. The Hortins and the Panniers are sitting at the U watching a football game in the rain.....and me, I'm tucked in my nice warm house enjoying another great day in my life.

1 comment:

Nicci said...

Love it Gram, and I will be sure to stay positive too!