Friday, October 29, 2010

Ladies Day and Dominos

My turn to entertain the ladies of our travel group. I have known Ann Mosely since I go divorced and started working at Western Travel where she was a travel agent. We hit it off immediately. She was also divorced, she had five girls and I had three we were trying to get raised and out into the big world. We have traveled together extensively. Through Ann I met many other traveling ladies and two favorite are Shirley Stevens and Bonnie Young. We meet and travel regularly only are all slowing down. A big day is lunch at some one's house and a rowdy game of "Mexican Train." Old friends are the best in the world. Tonight my second grandson is in from Vernal to spend the night. He has a date with a Salt Lake girl and are off to a High School dance. I will go back to Vernal with him tomorrow to celebrate Halloween and a fun surprise on Sunday Sherrie said. So I'm doing laundry and packing tonight. I will be home Monday. I'm glad to be gone on Halloween as we never get more than two or three kids here in the condo unit and besides I don't like to open the door late at night when I am alone. So happy Halloween everyone!

1 comment:

Tiffany (Pannier) Hortin said...

Have fun in Vernal Grammie!! I love you! :)