Monday, November 1, 2010


A very good weekend. Happy Halloween and Feliz dia de los Muertos! I went to the great pumpkin patch to see if peanuts and Linus were there waiting for the Great Pumpkin to arise! Alex stayed all night with me Friday night then drove me to Vernal for Halloween. The Christenson's ward had a trunk or treat party which I had never been to one, in a big vacant lot. Lots of people and a fun dinner of soup and desert was served. They know how to celebrate a holiday. My neighbor said she didn't get one person for treats in our condo area. Then on Sunday, the real Halloween, we were off to church where Darren was made first counselor to the new Bishop.......This is huge in our family. He was excited and nervous and this is a picture of his cute family. During sacrament Alex blessed it and Brayden and Kennedy served it. I was a pretty proud grandma. Had a nice dinner and then I rode home to Salt Lake with Dareen's mother Kay. Gigi enjoyed the farm. The country is all excited about the mid-term election tomorrow. I voted last Friday........Next thing on my list is Thanksgiving!

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