Thursday, November 4, 2010

THIRD ACT........

Had a great day. Had a nice lunch and played bridge with some of my favorite people. It's so nice when your having fun with people your age, you compare notes on what the kids are doing, you can relate all your latest ailments and most have been there, done that. As I think back over my life I realize there are three acts in a persons life and I am in the last act of mine.
Act one is the learning act. The time in your life when you are learning how to relate and get along with others. You are getting an education. You are looking for a job, a partner to share your life with. This is a time to investigate what you want out of life, be curious and make some mistakes.
Act two is taking all the lessons you have learned in your younger years and put them into play.
You work hard, have several children....on not.....and spend your time being a football coach, a den mother, and a chauffeur, and a teacher of life and God. You are trying to put your life, health and wealth into place to enjoy the last act which comes all to fast.
Act three is taking all you have learned, the experiences you have had and enjoying old age and grandchildren. Now you can travel and hopefully you have taken care of yourself and can enjoy good health. You have put away a little nest egg and have a ton of good memories and few regrets.
And, suddenly you realize you better be good to your children.......they do pick out your nursing home. All I ask of my girls is to promise not to put me and my X in the same one! Which Act are you enjoying?

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