Saturday, November 6, 2010

A big Culture Day

Today was a fun day, something different! Other than the Nut Cracker I don't think I had ever been to a ballet before. I have taken in a few operas though. Today mostly they wore those sexy underwear outfits, but they finally put on a few clothes. The dancers were elegant. The ballet was "Carmina Burana"........ the story seemed to be something dealing with the wheel of fortune. It was inspired by thirteen-century secular poems and songs written by monks and minstrels of the time that was discovered in an ancient Bavarian Monastery. They had a large chorus and several very good vocalists..........
Just watching those guys throwing those girls around wore me out! Went with Karrie and Andrea and enjoyed a quick lunch at the Olive Garden before.
Tonight is our "fall back" day in Utah......Get an extra hour sleep tomorrow. Arizona is smart, they just set their clocks and leave them all year. Doesn't that make more sense? Cleaned off the porch and painted the steps today. We are expecting a winter storm tomorrow. Pam asked me to knit the newest member of our family a Christmas Stocking.......I don't know if it is a surprise so no one tell him! I can count 21 of these Christmas Stockings in the family so far....
can you believe that?

1 comment:

Tiffany (Pannier) Hortin said...

I was wondering about that, thanks for doing that for him :) (I won't tell either). Love you!!!