Tuesday, November 9, 2010


This is the time of year I start thinking about all the warm and beautiful places that I would like to be. I see President Obama is in Jakarta, oh yes, a warm and beautiful place. I loved my visit there. It is true, you don't really see the world if you only look at it through your own window.
I know traveling is not what it use to be with it's "miles long lines, over booked flights, departures delayed again and again, and peanuts for lunch. Then you realize at the journey's end, you are back home to the best scenery of all. As you unpack you marvel at the wonders of the world and the hard trip to see them melts in your mind. As I relive a trip and think of the exotic parks and mosquitoes I left behind, the busy markets with their bright colored barrels of spices with interesting smells, the bag full of gifts and souvenirs I have to cram into my suitcase and a couple of treasures I bought for myself. These pictures are only words........unless you have "been there, done that." I am thankful for all my wonderful trips around the world and as I sit here watching it snow I can dream of other trips to come. There will be other times, other places and for an "Instant Getaway" I step into that favorite travel brochure and dream a little......I close my eyes and see my tanned arms and face aglow on some some tropical isle stretched out on a lounge enjoying the sounds and smell of the sea, with a cold drink in my hand........
And then the phone rings!

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