Friday, November 19, 2010


Why do we plan our lives around the "weather man?"
He forecast cold and sickness so I rushed in and got my flu now I am set for bad weather. He is now forecasting our first worst storm this weekend so my sweet grandson Richie came over this morning early, (he had been up late attending the Harry Potter movie and his mother drug him out of bed to go rake gramme's leaves.) He is so precious and I so appreciated it before that big snow storm the weather man promises for the weekend buried all those red leaves in the back yard. This was a good day and I got many chores done before being buried by snow drifts. Leaves raked, my nails done, I filled my three months supply of prescriptions my doctor gave me yesterday at my annual checkup and stopped by and got my car inspected for another year.......Yes! I will show that weather man........somebody listens to him. I do have a dentist appointment at 8:00 Monday morning and kinda hope his forecast is wrong so I can get there, weather men are wrong sometimes! Would I have done all those chores today without that weatherman's warning........probably not.

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