Monday, November 15, 2010


I know my grand kids think I am old......they think all grandmothers are old, but they just don't realize how old is old. I love them all and love their fun questions about my life. Some thing like....."What was your favorite fast food when you were growing up?" My answer, "We didn't have fast food when I grew up, all food was slow." Asked where did you eat? I told them I ate at home. My mother cooked every day when my father came home from work and we all sat down in the kitchen around a big table together. If we didn't like what she cooked, we didn't have to eat it, but that was all there was that night.........When they realized I was serious about this I also told them: Many people never owned a home (we were lucky because we did.) Some people never wore Levis, never set foot on a golf course, never traveled out of our country or even had a credit card. My family did not own a TV until I went away to college and it was black and white. We had one telephone and it hung on the wall in the kitchen. My parents never drove anyone to soccer practice, mostly because we never heard of soccer. I never ate pizza until I was in college. We owned one car with a stick shift. When you wanted to turn right you rolled down the window and stuck your arm out straight and to turn left you bent it up!!!!! For fun we roller skated, rode our bikes, played games on the vacant lot across the street. For exercise we walked to town to get the mail from the only post office and maybe if we had an extra nickel we would go to the drug store and my favorite was a cherry, lemon, chocolate, marshmallow, lime root beer............Your grandmother loved her life. It was simple, happy and safe. I guess I never missed fast food, because I didn't know about it!

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