Sunday, November 14, 2010


In my prayers at night I ask to be guided to those I can be of some help to. A good person to be there for my family and friends or even a stranger. Ever since the children were in school all day and I had spare time I have loved to be a volunteer. I started with room mothers and chaperons for school. I volunteered with the Rape Crisis Center for a long time on the Speakers Bureau, Crisis Line and Board of Directors. I volunteered for two years on the Olympus Senior Center as a party programmer. I was a volunteer at the Salt Lake Salt Palace as an Information Specialist, helping tourist enjoy our city. I volunteered with ESP to teach English to people trying to learn our language. I was on a board to interview families of foster children until the program was cut because of funding. I now belong to a Pray Shawl Ministry and knit shawls with the group. But, as I look around at all the people in need I feel a need to help more. This last weekend I did sew two quilts together for a friend who doesn't sew. I tended my youngest grandson all night so my daughter could go to a family dinner. I baby sat my neighbors grandchildren while she had bridge and her son had a meeting. I told my oldest daughter I would let her dogs out Sat. and Sun. while they were at a friends cabin and put a roast in their crock-pot for them to have Sunday dinner when they got home Sunday.........of which I would be invited to help eat. I find being needed and able to help others makes life worth living. I guess I am still kinda volunteering............So I would say to everyone, find just one person to help out and see how good it makes you feel!

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