Friday, October 15, 2010

Excitment Around Every Corner........

As you go through life there should be excitement around every corner---if it amounts to nothing more than picking up the laundry at the corner or taking your dog to the vet or buying a new flower for the spot that is bare in front! It has been a week since I became an empty Nester and I am determined my life will only get better. As I look at these two pictures from the wedding last Saturday you can almost see the feelings of the parents as they survey their family group. Was three, now four.........someday grandchildren and Nicci and Will will add spouses to the group. That is the way it should be and has been in history forever. We hope Nicci will marry cute Bill when she graduates from graduate school and takes a job. Will is almost 20 and we hope he will grow up and enjoy college before he gets serious about anyone. Today I have a new project, you know what I said about keeping my life exciting.......I am making a Halloween Costume for Richie B. for a school dance. Purple pants, red shirt, orange vest and silver sash, I think he is a Gypsies! I have made many Halloween costumes in my days and I hope I can go on doing it a few more years, I love to sew for the people I love. Tending Cody for the Christensons while they vacation. It was a beautiful Fall day.

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