Sunday, October 17, 2010


Last week was Nicole's 25th birthday. She is my second grandchild and keeps us all guessing. She has inherited my Gypsies blood and wonder of the world. When we think she has achieved all there is.........she surprises us with something else. "Only those who will risk going too far, can possibly find out how far one can go"........
Nicci came home a couple of days early for Tiff's wedding and we celebrated her 25th birthday at the Cheese Cake Factory. She is always the life of the party and is always smiling. One of her "Favorite" aunts knew how much she always loved her mother's Zucchini casserole growing up (ugh) and couldn't resist getting a big zucchini out of her garden, putting a ribbon on it and giving it to her for a birthday present. One of her best dissertations was on how much she hated zucchini growing up. At the present Nicci loves Bill and so do we. He works for Proctor and Gamble and lives in Boston.s

Nicci has been accepted by two very well known companies for a job, Nestle's and a big cereal company that I can't remember. She is still looking and interviewing....why not? At Nicci's age and her
abilities why not test them all. I am so very proud to say, I am her grandmother.....

1 comment:

Nicci said...

Thanks Gram, I love you and am so lucky to have an amazing Gram like you!