Wednesday, October 20, 2010

God's In Charge

If you ever doubted who is in charge of your life, think again. After reading the following, I say if God has a perfect plan for everything on earth, then why not me? Just have faith and trust your life is exactly how it was set up to be....(kinda)!
I didn't know the accuracy in hatching you? Potato bugs hatch in seven days, canaries in 14, chickens in 21, ducks and geese in 28, parrots and ostrich in 42 days and all these are divisible by 7.
Entrust God with your life. Don't mess up, only the one who made the heart and brain can successfully guide you to a profitable end.
Also, every watermelon has an even number of stripes on the rind. Each orange even number of segments, each ear of corn even number of rows, each stalk of wheat even number of grains. Waves of the sea roll into shore every 26 minutes in all kinds of weather, all grains found in even number on their stalks. Only the god-planned safe life is successful. Only the life given over to the care of the Lord is fulfilled. As I get older I realize I have just taken all these wonderful plans that God put into motion from day one were just by accident...NOT....Every single thing God made he made perfect and for a reason, including you and me. I know if I have faith and follow God's plan for my life it can be nothing but the best. Having another beautiful Fall day......played bridge last night with good friends, off to a movie and lunch today with another fun friend. Tiff and Scott home from their honeymoon, Sherrie's family will be home from the Caribbean this weekend. Life is good!

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