Friday, September 17, 2010

Nineteen Years and counting.............

Yesterday was the Cook's nineteenth wedding anniversary...........Look what 19 years can bring you! They are now a family of five, plus two very BIG dogs......and a turtle. They are a darling family and so very busy. Richard Benjamin is 16 now and driving. Just got a green pick-up truck that is his pride and joy. Rich loves football and La Cross. He has a job at Firehouse subs. Andrea is15 and just got her drivers permit. She golfs, dances and is smart and beautiful. Then there is the baby Scottie who will be nine in a month,he is really going on 14 or 15! This is Scott's first year at football and his dad is the coach. Richard's first love is golf, but that doesn't put food on the table. Karrie has been/is the family chauffeur, 3 very busy children seem to keep her on the go. The church also takes up some time. They have a big house and lawn and Karrie is chief gardener. I wish them many more years of a happy, busy life. Nineteen years ago today, I was packing for Morocco, Africa and happy to have the last of my three daughters happily married. Time certainly does fly.

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