Tuesday, June 29, 2010

You Need to Journal

Is your life a novel with missing pages? I keep searching in my life for the missing puzzle pieces that will make my life into the "complete picture" I am searching for. I feel I have most the pieces, but I also feel out there some where is someone or something I have yet to connect with. You know the missing piece to complete the picture of a perfect life. To all I say-- Be a journal keeper, or writer, or artist, but journal in some way and leave no blank pages in your novel of life. I feel my life is and has been very important and will be to my children, grandchildren and even the great-grandchildren. I want them to know me and understand some of the things I have done that have made me, "Me".
How will your family know what you have done, where you have been or what you have thought? It is so sad when a person just slips unrecorded through life, when they have been important to so many people. Write, write, write...........anything, anytime, anywhere and always, always date your writings. How I love the old pictures and life stories of my family that are now gone and perhaps I didn't get know. I learn how they sacrificed in many ways, so that I have had the wonderful life I have had. Opened the door to many reasons, my parents were the way they were, and consequently I am the way I am..........I have encouraged my family to journal, some have, some have not. Now days with the computer it is so easy..........fun and good therapy!

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