Thursday, June 3, 2010

Back Packing in Europe

"These are the magic years......and therefore magic days.......and therefore magic moments."
I cannot believe this cute little boy, my third grandson, is all grown up (16) and heading out tonight with his father and another father and son for a two week back-packing trip through Europe.
I am so thrilled because I was able to take my three girls on many wonderful trips around the world when they were young. When my girls returned from two weeks in Europe or Asia or South Pacific they really appreciated the life they had in America. They took all the different foods, money, languages, different bathrooms, toilet papers, towels and even soap in and in their stride, never complaining. I felt this was the best education I could give them, they still love to travel and encourage travel in their families. Last year my second grandson went to Europe for three weeks with the Young Ambassadors of America. Now it's Richies turn. His dad Big Rich, has no idea what he is in for and it will be the best thing that ever happened to him. He is coming up 46 and pretty set in his ways and has NEVER traveled, sooooooooo. Seems the biggest concern was the bedbugs in the hostels they will be staying in. I made each of them a sheet they can use each night then fold up and pack away each day. At least clean sheets. Wonder how often they will do laundry? If it was up to the kids probably not till they got home. They get on the airplane at midnight and fly to New York. Never been to New York so will do some sight seeing tomorrow. Tomorrow night, they fly to Ireland and on to Paris, France. Here is where the back-packing starts with a train pass through Germany, Italy, Chez Republic etc. So many wonderful experiences for all of them, I can hardly wait till they get home to hear about the BIG ADVENTURE.

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