Thursday, June 10, 2010

This I Know

That was the feeling I've had all my life, now Oprah has so put it into words for me.
I wanted, and expected to get, all I wanted and deserved in life. I made this decision (subconsciously), as a small child. My favorite shirt said "I was Born Entitled!" When asked what I was entitled to, I told them "anything I wanted," even if I had to mop floors, wait tables and work my behind off. Everyone can do it, the Universe puts it out there and the choice is yours. I did not come from means. No family inheritance but a desire, confidence and pride in myself to make it happen. I knew what I wanted and valued myself and would not settle for less. After I graduated from high school, I went to college, had some fun jobs, waitress, secretary and stewardess. I got married to someone that was educated, strong and healthy and driven to also do well (an airline pilot). Together we built a nice family and had enough to live nicely on the rest of our lives. Thirty years later he walked out on the girls and I, which prompted me to send him a "thank you Note" for leaving. Sure there were tears, anger, hate etc., but never self-doubt. I immediately jumped in to make a new life for my family. I bought us a new home, got the twins through college and happily married. I went back to college with the girls and got a job as Concierge.......and started traveling. I had time to enjoy my many talents of sewing, knitting, writing, reading, painting, piano, volunteering, Spanish lessons and grandchildren. The children encouraged me to learn the computer, know how to email, face book, and blog. The cell phone is great and I can text. Love my digital camera. I challenged myself to be a public speaker after completing a course in NLP, and spoke on a couple of cruise ships, under the umbrella of "Life Enrichments." I Set a goal of 100 countries by the time I was 70, did it and on to 120+, and 48 of the 50 states, and 6 of the 7 continents.
In my life have I given all I could? Probably not, but I have tried to pay back a little for my many blessings. I have tried to set an example for my three daughters and nine grandchildren, to do good, to be the best you can be and to realize: "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR FUTURE HOLDS, BUT NEVER FORGET WHO HOLDS THAT FUTURE."

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