Wednesday, June 23, 2010

So whats New?

Well it's house cleaning time again.........It gets a good cleaning twice a year when it's my turn to have bridge! Night bridge party is my favorite because you can light candles and keep the lights dimmed. You don't have to wash windows or dust the corners. But, day bridge means cleaning house and fixing lunch for 8 ladies. You know wash the windows, shampoo the rug, and wax the floor. Move everything when you dust, clean the bathroom and tightly lock the door to the office where you pile everything you wanted out of sight for the day. Bring up the card tables and chairs, put a leaf in the table and get out the nice cloths, dishes and silverware. Buy flowers and try to come up with a nummy lunch that doesn't look like all you did was make a trip to Costco for salad, rolls, desert and some kind of out-standing presentation to wow them. It is so embarrassing when they want the receipt and you have to pull out the empty plastic container that says Costco...........but after a couple of glasses of wine, everyone goes with the flow and we start getting caught up on whats new since last months club meeting. I love the girls and have been playing with the two groups since my children were small. It's nice to have friends to grow old with and people who would come even if they could barely get in and had a sack lunch. I think we just use bridge as an excuse to get together every month. It's been a busy day, but at least I have a clean house and can take the rest of the summer off. I might even win!

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