Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Kiss a Frog

24 years ago next month since I was cast back into the dating scene............Grim. All my well meaning friends kept trying to find me someone wonderful, or fun or nice or whatever, to spend my new found "singleness" with. I wasn't too excited about it, but I tried. Could I ever trust or respect a man again? I was pretty bitter. My daughter's cute friend Jon asked them if I would go out with this guy in his ward who had seen me a a farewell and wanted to go out with me. Well, he called, I agreed and we settled on golf and dinner. Harmless! When he arrived late, we cancelled golf and settled for dinner. "Did I like Mexican food?". I do, so that was easily settled and we have quite a few nice Mexican restaurants in my area. He was nice looking, drove a nice car and worked for Albertsons Food. We drove out of my condo area and across the street and pulled into a Taco Bell. A taco bell! I went along. We went in, he ordered three tacos for a dollar and two lemon aides which were a dollar piece. He had to write a check for $3.32. We found a table and chatted away while we ate. He ate two, without even offering me a bite of the second one.........right then I knew this was my last date with him..........maybe anyone. I just escaped from the cheapest man on earth and was not about to do it again. Besides I can buy my own three for a dollar tacos and lemon aide and enjoy my own company. We ended the date by taking a ride up the canyon......(free. ) Did I kiss this frog to be sure he wasn't my prince? I don't think so! So now you know the story of my "Taco Date"........Is that what first dates 30 years after my time are like?
So I say to all out there dating, "Past behavior is an indication of future behavior" so know where you are heading with each new date.

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