Monday, June 28, 2010


Do you sometimes feel like you have a stomach full of butterflies? An unsettled,what next, feeling? Isn't life just one big suspense? You get up in the morning and think or say out loud," what will happen today?" or tomorrow, in a week, a month from now. Our country is in a terrible mess with Pres. Obama dragging us down more every day. The awful oil spill, he messed up the health bill, Afghanistan War, Bailing banks out, trying to help Haiti. The Iceland volcano and of course floods and fires at home. Government is just plain bad news. No matter who you talk to -- each has their own idea or theory where we are headed. I feel like some of the magazine articles I read that go like this:
"He fell from the train barely alive, And "(continued on page thirty-five.)
"With only one bullet left in his gun,He" (continued on page sixty-one.)
"She murmured weakly, I know my fate, It's" (continued on page eighty-eight).
"Darling to prove how much I'll miss you, I'm" (continued in the July issue.)
If you ask a dozen people to finish those sentences-- you would get a dozen different endings. So I guess it's one day at a time--always checking the newspaper and CNN every day to tell us where we're heading next----And most the time they don't know either...........

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