Friday, June 25, 2010

I Can Dream can't I?

Today as I peddled the bike at physical therapy for my knees, I was facing a big window that looked out toward the lake and could watch the airplanes come and go. It's Friday and another quiet, (boring) weekend is looming ahead of me. Every time I see an airplane it is my anchor for traveling somewhere, anywhere. Where to this time? At this point anywhere would be fun. If your going to dream, why not dream big? It's my life, my story so I can choose the scenero:

I fly to Dubai. I expected to be met by a tall, dark handsome man on a white stallion and be whisked off to his castle, but there was a big camel with a fancy saddle and a man in native dress. My prince said very little as he led my camel out to our hide-a-way. Isn't this exciting? I have never been to Dubai, but I did ride a camel once in Egypt. A wonderful big castle comes into view, fountains, flowers, birds, music, good smells. All that I dreamed it would be. When we arrive I was helped down off the camel and I enter this paradise of a place. The man takes off his robe and is all I expected him to be in his Colhan shoes, Armani suit, and polo shirt. Yes! We set by the pool and sip our drinks as we watch the sunset; Then his Lamborghini is driven up and we are off to an exciting night on the town......Just as I got to the interesting part of my day-dream the timer goes off and I am ushered off to a table to start my exercise routine, back to the real world. Oh well, it doesn't cost anything to dream..........and I may just finish this dream later!

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