Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Positive thinking get positive results! I read a cute story about a jar of marbles. This fellow got to thinking.......if life started out with a jar of marbles and our life's expectancy is 75 years that is 52 weeks in a year times 75 years then in a average life you have 390 Saturdays to lay around, watch tv or go fishing. So if you started taking one marble out every Saturday that you have lived, by the time you are 75 that jar would be empty. That's scary, I would have emptied my jar three years ago. I considered planning on living another 10 years and put these in a jar and take one out each week, but that is just like watching yourself die. It's bad enough to know everyday we live is one less in the ones we have left to live. Have you ever gotten a fortune cookie that says "Take control of your destiny!" Don't be adrift at sea, so to speak. You need a clear direction or a goal, then you don't just drift, and drift, gaining pounds, spending money, letting the piles get higher. Get in that boat and start paddling in a chosen direction."One of the surprising discoveries of positive psychology, a field that investigates what leads to happiness, is the contentment and a sense of meaning in life doesn't arise from the usual suspects, like winning the lottery, or being young and beautiful, but from among other things, the pursuit and attainment of goals." Any goal has to be your own idea. A passion of yours and for your own reason. It should be time specific and reasonable and realistic. The goal should fit into your values, beliefs and life's purpose. If you commit it in writing , in black and white, it gives you a more concrete and clear focus. So bag the marbles and go for it, one day at a time!

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