Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Rob

Another June Birthday...........One of my favorite people. Rob is my first son-in-law and has always been there for anything I need.
He is a gourmet cook and I get lots of fun Sunday dinners at his house.
He was right there when I had a car wreck, he picked up and delivered my dinning room set when I ask him, the yard, the furnace the wiring, the computer, and you ought to see the wonderful tile job he did in my new kitchen, plus hook up my RR and my dish washer and my new ice maker. I know Rob will be there when I need him. We have had fun trips together when my two granddaughters graduated from college and I have been invited and am looking forward to one more next spring when Nicci graduates from Graduate School in Indiana. Yesterday was father's day and he is one of the best fathers in the world to his two daughters and one son....(my grandchildren). He backs them in all their life choices, even thought they might not be his. He encourages them to succeed and be the best they can be. He is proud of them and lets them know he loves them. When Tiff couldn't put her little dog to sleep last week, who did she call? Dad. And who was the one who went with her and held Goldie when she died? Dad. I had this kind of father and I only regret my three girls did not have this kind of father. One who is always there, who will listen and not judge and help them work out any problem. Robby I love you, Happy Birthday and I'm glad your in my family, you have a cute wife too!

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