Monday, June 7, 2010

Hanging In There

Up early and got my daughter and her youngest son off to California and Disney Land for a week. Her oldest son and husband are in Europe and her daughter is at EFY, busy, busy family. I have the dogs, Marley and Izzy, for the week. They are both darling huge dogs and Marley and I are in a battle for Alfa Dog of this house. He doesn't like the squirt bottle, so I have a weapon on my side. He is a real lover, but very demanding. I will keep you posted.
Do you ever feel someone else is responsible for your happiness? I think we all do sometimes. Well no one is. Each of us is responsible for our own happiness. Anyone who sits around and waits for someone else to make you happy is going to be very disappointed and unfulfilled. Continually postponing happiness for some future time--by saying "When so and so happens, then I will be happy". Do you belong to the "If Only" club.? If only I could lose 20 pounds, if only I had more money, if only I could find a mate, have a baby, get a bigger house or better job! If you are a member of the "If Only" club it is robbing you of the one thing any of us already has: it is the present. When we live in the past or focus too much on the future, we rob ourselves of the now.............A child's story: THE MISSING PIECE, It is the story of a circle that has a part missing. It searches and searches for it's missing piece, just as most of us are always looking for that "piece", just as most of us are always looking for that "piece" of fulfillment we think is necessary for our happiness. When the circle finally finds it's missing piece, it realizes that the search was more meaningful and exciting than the results. As the circle learned, what counts in life is each moment of the journey----not our final destination. Life is made up of millions of moments, and once a moment is over, it never comes back. We have to enjoy each one as it happens.

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