Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Christenson 20th Anniversary

Happy 20th Anniversary to Sherrie and Darren. 20 years ago today my second daughter got married. They were married in the Salat Lake Temple and we had a Reception at the Cottonwood Country Club. The picture on the right is the wonderful family they have had after their 20 years of marriage. Three wonderful boys, Alex 17, Brayden coming up 15 and Kennedy 12. They flew their plane down to Lake Powell to their house boat yesterday and I have the two youngest boys. Alex, the oldest will drive in from Vernal tomorrow, pick up the boys and grandma Kay and drive to Lake Powell to spend the weekend celebrating. The boys and I have had such fun swimming, eating and going to a movie. I wish they still lived up the hill, but Vernal seems to be the place they are the happiest. We have a lot of fun memories of the past twenty years, it has been fun to watch the boys grow up. I wish them Happy Anniversary and at least another 50 years together.

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