Thursday, January 1, 2015


Happy New Years Day........As we start out a new year we welcome 2015......In the middle of our city, our state our hearts is our famous castle.  When I visited Europe many times I always wondered at the old castles that dominated the little villages along the way and wondered why America had none.....then I realized we do.....ours are just not on the top of hills.  It is where the king of your universe lives to remind you of the rules of life......I see our temple and know God is near-by and I want to keep his rules.  This New Years Day is cold and frosty as the picture and we launch a new year.  Nicci and Bill and Pam spent the morning working on a puzzle, Rob spent the day watching football games,  Will and Liz popped in and will be back later for fondu.  Sweet Tiff is sitting it out in the hospital with the new baby......little Aaron.
I am hoping for a good year in a new home and many new get my life back and not have to depend on my kids or worry them.

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