Saturday, January 3, 2015


This is one proud grandpa.....Robbie and his first grand-child Aaron Scott Horton.....Any child that has a good grandpa is a lucky child.....I grew up down the street from a wonderful grandpa that left me with many wonderful memories.  Grandpa Jim Goff would have something nice to say to you always and you would be proud to be with him. I know this little boy will never want for anything if his grandpa can help it.....Rob will give him his time.....not just things......and this is what a child remembers.
This morning Pam and I went over and sat with Tiff while Scott went to work for a few hours.....I got to hold and love Aaron a couple of hours while Pam put Tiff's Christmas decorations away....then we had lunch with her.  Went to a fun movie this afternoon and out to dinner......we also stopped by my new place ...which now has walls and a roof and by my old place which is really looking nice.......
There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy......a new year, a new baby, a new home and a new tomorrow!  My goal is to build a life.......I don't need a vacation from home.

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