Friday, January 9, 2015

DAY BY DAY........

The New Year is creeping away.........almost 1/3 of it gone already......for me yea because moving into my new home is one day closer and for Richard Benjamin less than two weeks till he is home from his mission.  We all count the days for some more day and Sherrie will be off to Hawaii!  Our bright shinny day in Vernal has now turned to foggy gloomy overcast and a little colder.  The boys and Lindsay are off to SLC to work on my house due to Rob's innovative idea to get "all of Grammie's grandchildren to work on the basement tomorrow"......he sent out an email informing them they were needed to pull up carpet, get walls ready to paint and scrape the pop-corn ceiling....what a brave and darling guy......with in 10 minutes he got a reply from one of them....".sounds fun I will be there"......he isn't accepting an excuse....except death?????  Well there are a couple on missions and one in Minnesota......I guess that counts...... What a great family I have.
Darren and friends took off last night to find some snow to go snowmobiling on....They went to Craig, Colorado and will be home late tonight.....In time for him to pack for his trip to Hawaii in the morning.....he has been home from Mexico all of 5 days......what a life! Sherrie is a real trouper to keep up with all this.

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