Monday, January 19, 2015

SAD DAY......

     This cute family.......... (Alex and Lindsey)...... are sad today......their puppy DOUGLAS......had an accident and broke his leg really bad and is being operated on today.....He has been a brave little guy......hasn't cried much and tries really hard to get around on 3 first we thought it was just sprained but an X-ray last night said it was kinda mangled!  He is just 3 months olds but huge already.....Guess they will be home tending sick puppy for awhile.......Sherrie and Darren due home in a few hours from Hawaii......this is their first grand-dog and it fell down their stairs!
                              In a new place you are always meeting new people.....and you realize there is a role for everyone you meet.......Some will test you, and some will teach you, some will use you and some will love you......But, the ones who are truly important are the ones who bring out the best in you.  They are the rare and amazing people who remind you its all worth it.
                               When you know deep down that a certain path is right for you, you have to follow it, no matter what anyone else says.......

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